On the Degree of the Inverse of Quadratic Permutation Polynomial Interleavers

An integral component of a turbo code is a carefully designed interleaver. Interleavers based on quadratic permutation polynomials (modulo N ) were introduced by Sun and Takeshita. They have several good properties and have been selected to be used in a cellular phone system. Ryu and Takeshita later initiated the study of the related deinterleavers. Here we extend this latter work and introduce a very efficient method for computing the (degree of the) lowest degree polynomial giving the deinterleaver. Our approach is based on combining two techniques. The Chinese remainder theorem allows us to study one prime power factor of N at a time. Our other technique is to first present the inverse function as a power series with integer coefficients. Modulo N that series is actually a polynomial. The polynomials yielding the same function form a coset of the ideal of identically vanishing polynomials. With the aid of a known Gröbner basis of that ideal we then finally identify a minimal degree polynomial within the given coset.