The load on the spine during the transport of dustbins.

Situations causing high postural stress during the transport of dustbins were determined, and the load on the spine was estimated. Electromyographical analyses revealed workload situations with high muscular activities during the transport over edges. Thus the manipulation of large dustcontainers (1100 l) is rendered difficult by kerbstones. Because smaller dustbins (110 l-240 l) are often kept in basements or backyards, stairs must frequently be climed with a heavy load. To quantify the spinal stress, a biomechanical model was developed in order to calculate the torques and forces effective at the lumbosacral joint. In the computations several parameters and transport conditions, such as kerbstone height, were varied. That entails different working postures by the dustbins men. The influence on the load on the spine was estimated. The calculated results are compared with criteria taken from the literature. Special postures were devised to keep the torques and forces as small as possible, and thereby to decrease the health risk of the skeletal system when handling heavy weights like dustbins. In the case of a container transport, only two persons should manipulate and work in well-timed co-ordination and both in special postures. Finally, all dustbins should be positioned at places guaranteeing an easy transport over flat surfaces.