An Efficient Hierarchical Tree Alternative Path (HTAP) and Prims Algorithm Based QOS Routing Approach for MPLS Networks with Enhanced Bandwidth Constraints

Multi- Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology helps the progress of numerous features in the Internet, such as routing performance, speed, and traffic engineering. MPLS which may gives mechanisms in IP backbones for over routing using Label Switched Paths (LSPs), summarizing the IP packet in an MPLS packet. This research work concentrates on a new constraint based routing algorithm for MPLS networks. The proposed research work utilizes both bandwidth and delay constraints. Hierarchical Tree Alternative Path (HTAP) Algorithm is utilized in this research work for balancing traffic loads through underutilized paths in order to reduce network congestion. It means that the delay of the path which is figured by the algorithm is less than or equal to the delay constraint value and the remaining bandwidth of all the links all along with the computed path must be equal to or greater than the bandwidth constraint value. In the proposed algorithm best path is computed based on avoiding vital links to reduce call blocking rate, deleting the paths which are not satisfying the bandwidth and delay constraints to reduce complexity of the algorithm and using the prims algorithm is used for shortest path algorithm to reduce path length by finding the shortest path. The proposed algorithm also compares two different topologies to study the performance of the proposed algorithm.