Construction ofVisual MediaBasedonImagesandItsApplication
Theconstruction ofvisual mediaisan Manyvirtual environments that we seetoday important part invirtual environment. Inthis paper, we arecreated byspecial tools suchas3DSMaxand describe thedetails ofimage-based visual media Maya.However, manyapplications require high construction. Theconstruction hastwoparts: Oneis quality virtual environment anditsproduction theconstruction ofvisual surrounding environment process isverycomplicated andexpensive by (VSE), andtheother istheconstruction of3Dobjectsusingthetools. Withthedevelopment of intheVSE.Fortheconstruction ofVSE,panorama computer graphics andcomputer vision, attention technology isused. Weuseanimproved four-stepisbeing focused onconstruction ofcomplex high algorithm based onSIFTfeatures tobuild theVSE. quality virtual worldfromourreal world. Fortheconstruction of3Dobject, silhouette-based 3D Inthis paper, wedescribe thedetails ofvisual object reconstruction method isadopted. Wemainly mediaconstruction basedonimages taken from introduce theprocess ofvisual hull construction and ourrealworld3D objects andsurrounding texture mapping. To improve thereality of environments. Image-based construction ofVSE reconstructed 3Dobject, weaddthetexture toits 3D and3D objects cannotonlygethigher quality modelbycomputing minimumanglevalueof effect, butcanalsoreducecomputational normal vectors between images andtriangular complexity. patches. Asaresult, weapply theconstructed VSE The structure ofthispaperisasfollows: andreconstructed 3Dobjects toacomputer gameto Visual mediaconstruction isdescribed briefly in enhance thereality ofthegameenvironment visually.section 2;Visual surrounding environment built byanimproved SIFT-based method ispresented
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