Parents and the School.

to many parents, education is a "Prized Possession"! It is the key that will unlock the door to the best that life has to offer for their child. Other parents view the attainment of knowledge as the answer to current problems in human relations. To other adults, education is the one thing in life that they never acquired, but which they want their children to obtain. Some adults perceive education as the means by which their child can better his social class membership and standing in society. Yet, some adults conceive of education as totally unrelated to actual everyday living. Whatever the adult viewpoint is toward it, education and educational training are highly valued commodities in society today. This emphasis is the reason why so many parents, and the public in general, are so concerned with knowing more about their schools and what these schools are teaching. Each school system is respon sible for answering, communicating, and working with the parents and communities with which it is associated. Definite programs should be formulated and instituted into each school's educational operations for facilitating communication and understanding between the home and the school.