Fracture Mechanics, Strain Energy Density and Critical Issues for Research and Applications.

Abstract : This report is in response to a number of requests for a concise review of issues in fracture mechanics, the development of strain energy density concepts within the academic community, and the implications of these issues and concepts for fracture mechanics within the Navy. The authors have attempted to highlight the fundamental differences between various criteria and chronologically review the development of strain energy concepts at Lehigh Univ. under Professor George Sih. A brief description of research topics being pursued at the Naval Research topics being pursued at the Naval Research Laboratory is provided. In this way, the reader is given the author's perspective leading to the selection of critical issues for fracture mechanics. The forthcoming report 'Critical Issues and Directions for Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity', similar in format, will concentrate more on the author's current activities and specific technical issues for future applications. Keywords: Energy density; Elastic-plastic fracture.