DEMIR at ImageCLEFMed 2013: The Effects of Modality Classification to Information Retrieval

This paper present the details of participation of DEMIR (Dokuz Eylul University Multimedia Information Retrieval) research team to the Im- ageCLEF 2013 Medical Retrieval task. This year, we participated to two sub- tasks: modality classification and ad-hoc image-based retrieval. For them, our central method is integrated combination multimodal retrieval applied to re- trieved documents sets of each visual and text features, after than our infor- mation retrieval based classification algorithm is performed. In modality classi- fication subtask, we proposed an approach for modality classification based on information retrieval techniques. The main elements of this method are infor- mation retrieval techniques. Additionally, in ad-hoc image-based retrieval sub- task, we assumed as a baseline that our methods which were obtained our best performances in ImageCLEF 2012. We added on our proposed classification method to these baseline runs and we evaluated impact of classification on the modalities of documents.