R.M. Schindler: Composition and Construction
Modern Architecture: A Program (1913) (R. Schindler). Schindler's Program of 1913 (H. Mallgrave). The Wagnerschule and Adolf Loos (A. Sarnitz). Buena Shore Club (B. Giella). Pocketbook Collection (R. Schindler). Selected Writings (R. Schindler). Portfolio of Colour Renderings (R. Schindler). Integrity and Ambiguity (A. Sarnitz). 'Proportion Is an Alive and Expressive Tool' (L. March). Log House, Urhutte and Temple (L. March). The Schindler House (K. Smith). Dr. How's Magical Music Box (L. March). The Translucent House (L. March). The Wolfe House (R. Schindler). Portfolio of Apartments (R. Schindler). The Mythic and the Tangible (E. Moule). Space Architecture Inside Out (S. Polyzoides). Portfolio of Furniture (R. Schindler). Construction and the Schindler Frame (J. Sheine). Late Designs 1944-53 (D. Gebhard). Schindler at Work: An Appreciation (E. McCoy).