Reaction of certain solanaceous and asteraceous plant species to inoculation with Phytophthora infestans in Cameroon.
Experiments were conducted to detect potential hosts of Phytophthora infestans, causal agent of potato late blight among weeds occurring in Cameroon. Isolates of P. infestans isolated from garden huckleberry (Solanum scabrum), potato (S. tuberosum) and tomato (S. lycopersicon) were inoculated on detached leaves of 12 solanaceous and 14 asteraceous species collected from the potato agroecosystem in the western highlands of Cameroon. Isolates of P. infestans from huckleberry and potato infected the same host plants as well as gboma eggplant (S. macrocarpon) and two asteraceous weeds; Billy goatweed (Ageratum conyzoides) and Dichrocephala (Dichrocephala integrifolia). Inoculum from potato caused late blight symptoms on haemorrhage plant (Aspilia africana); while inoculum from tomato resulted in late blight on worowo (Solanecio biafrae). This is the first report of late blight infection on S. macrocarpon, A. conyzoides, Sol. biafrae and Asp. africana in Cameroon. The research results indicate that some asteraceous and solanaceous weeds may be alternative hosts of P. infestans in the potato agroecosystem.