Buparlisib with thoracic radiotherapy and its effect on tumour hypoxia: A phase I study in patients with advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma
F. Gleeson | R. Muschel | W. Mckenna | K. Bradley | D. McGowan | J. Fenwick | T. Maughan | K. Vallis | R. Macpherson | G. Higgins | R. Prevo | N. Panakis | M. Skwarski | L. Campo | S. Mohammed | Marcus Green | Eliana M. C. Tacconi | V. Strauss | A. Horne | M. Mccole | S. Ng | R. Stuart | M. McCole | W. McKenna | Kevin M. Bradley | John D. Fenwick | Fergus V. Gleeson | Timothy S. Maughan | Stasya M. Ng | Victoria Y. Strauss | Eliana M.C. Tacconi | Ruth E. Macpherson | Geoff S Higgins | F. V. Gleeson | John D. Fenwick | Geoff S. Higgins