This paper focuses on plot as a mediator of interactive digital storytelling (IDS). Drawing on a theory of narrative applied to IDS, the paper focuses on the manifestation of plot across three different IDS contexts. After defining plot, plot elements, and plot analysis, I explain the sampling of the three IDS types considered with plot analysis in this inquiry. The plot analyses of 116 IDS entries by youth and young adult participants within and across those IDS types revealed patterns of stability and variation of plot elements. The foundational nature of plot and its sensitivity to context outside as well as within the narrative scene are evident as participants in complex narrative systems used plot elements to communicate and to innovate. Future research can test and extend plot analysis for further application to IDS research and design.
Luis Emilio Bruni,et al.
Narrative Cognition in Interactive Systems: Suspense-Surprise and the P300 ERP Component
Colette Daiute,et al.
Narrative Inquiry: A Dynamic Approach
J. Bruner.
Acts of meaning
L. Vygotsky.
Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes: Harvard University Press
Chloë Brushwood Rose,et al.
Unexpected self-expression and the limits of narrative inquiry: exploring unconscious dynamics in a community-based digital storytelling workshop
Sara McNeil,et al.
What educators should know about teaching digital storytelling