Methods in Comparative Psychoacoustics

Technical Aspects of Animal Psychoacoustics.- Introductory Remarks.- Signal Processing Technology in Animal Psychoacoustics.- Acoustic Equipment and Sound Field Calibration.- Psychophysical Methods.- The Study of Basic Hearing Mechanisms.- Introductory Remarks.- Constant Stimulus and Tracking Procedures for Measuring Sensitivity.- Conditioned Avoidance.- Design and Conduct of Sensory Experiments for Domestic Cats.- Methods in Directional Hearing.- Psychoacoustic Studies in Bats.- Observer-based Approaches to Human Infant Psychoacoustics.- Adaptive Tracking Procedures to Measure Auditory Sensitivity in Songbirds.- The Method of Constant Stimuli in Testing Auditory Sensitivity in Small Birds.- Sound Localization Studies in Non-specialized Birds.- Sound-localization Experiments in Owls.- Reflex Modification: A Tool for Assessing Basic Auditory Function in Anuran Amphibians.- Phonotaxis in Female Frogs and Toads: Execution and Design of Experiments.- Studying Sound Localization in Frogs with Behavioral Methods.- Natural Orienting Behaviors For Measuring Lateral Line Function.- Psychoacoustical Studies of the Sense of Hearing in the Goldfish using Conditioned Respiratory Suppression.- Investigations of Fish Hearing Ability Using an Automated Reward Method.- Integrative Perceptual Processes.- Introductory Remarks.- Methods to Assess the Processing of Speech Sounds by Animals.- Classification and Categorization Procedures.- Psychophysical Methods for Assessing Perceptual Categories.- The Discrimination-Transfer Procedure for Studying Auditory Perception and Perceptual Invariance in Animals.- Uncertainty in the Study of Comparative Perception: A Methodological Challenge.

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