Effects of clear plastic film mulch on yield of spring wheat

Abstract This paper explores the possibility of improving yields of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) by using plastic film mulching. Field experiments compared three mulching treatments viz. for 20 d (M1), 40 d (M2), and 60 d (M3) after sowing (DAS), with a non-mulch control (CK). Mulching increased temperature and moisture in the upper 5 cm of soil, and shoots emerged 8 d earlier than in CK. Mulching also increased number of tillers, length of the growing period, spikelet and grain numbers per spike, and the duration from flowering to harvest. In the mulched treatments, photosynthesis rate and soluble sugar content were higher in the vegetative period, but soluble sugar content was lower in the grain filling period relative to CK. Grain yield following 20 d mulching was greatest (8207 kg ha−1), and decreased gradually as the mulching period increased (7847 and 6702 kg ha−1 for M2 and M3, respectively). Plastic film removed after 20 d maximizes yield and minimizes soil pollution.