Floating Ocean Thermal Power Plants and Potential Products

An overview is presented of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). Claude's basic open-cycle scheme for OTEC is contrasted with the closed Rankine cycle. Oceans are discussed in relation to natural solar energy collection and thermal storage. A conceptual design is presented for ocean thermal energy conversion. Turbine technology for OTEC applications is discussed. Fabrication and development of the cold-water pipe (CWP) for an OTEC plant will be a challenging engineering/logistics problem. For 100 MWe net power output, a CWP of 12-18 m diameter will be needed to pump approximately 8 million gpm of sea water through the condensers. Approximate costs estimates for power production for OTEC plants are included. The production of ammonia is discussed as being important in the manufacture of fertilizers at a tropical OTEC plant. Other potential products are aluminum, magnesium, and liquid hydrogen fuel. Another possibility would be to ship coal or a carbonate to the platform and use the GH/sub 2/ produced there to make synthetic oil, methane, or methanol.