Field Management (フィールド管理)

MOT The University of Minnesota Capstone Projects generate valuable learnings to the field of Management of Technology as well as significant financial returns to the sponsoring companies. The Capstone Learnings collected the best and formatted them into a concise paper where the reader experiences the learning through the view of the MOT manager. Holons: Creating a new business model for SME's LL discovered and illustrated her entrepreneurial spirit to incite a new business model for small and medium sized enterprises(SME's). She leveraged her fundamental thinking about the codification of technology to form a perspective of how technical building blocks could be used by small companies. She has defined a unit of a 'holon' as the stepping stone to this new vision. This theme is being adopted worldwide and resulting in new threads of revenue for these small companies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY How can sole proprietors or small businesses leverage their core competence to create multiple threads of income for a global market? They are already successful at earning a personal income. They don't want to change what it is they do. They want to make it more accessible in more ways to more people more often from more locations. A virtual office does this by expanding time and space! On the Internet, their business can have customers in any time zone and at any location on the globe. These businesses also need to expand their income past exchanging time for money. They need to discover ways to create passive and residual income from their intellectual property. Their intuition and knowledge become intellectual property. Lori Principle, Inc. helps these businesses re-invent themselves into a business model that creates passive and residual income. 2 MOT CAPSTONES Lori Principle, Inc. creates the business model for transforming businesses into global virtual offices with a community of practice. It delivers the core principle of collaboration with equal energy exchange for win-win results and creates a nested community of like minded businesses. The interchangeable components and multiple threads of revenue allow flexibility and long term sustainable growth. Lori Principle Inc. is a holographic matrix of passive and residual income. Lori Principle, Inc. delivers multiple value propositions that create passive and residual income. These value propositions center on business innovation, virtual office operation, and intellectual property generation. Through collaborating, businesses add others' core competence to their processes. In turn, they can share their core competence. Now the community …