The Current state of the coherence theory : critical essays on the epistemic theories of Keith Lehrer and Laurence BonJour, with replies

Coherence, Justification, and Knowledge: The Current Debate.- I. Abstracts of Contributed Essays.- II. Focus: The Work of Keith Lehrer.- 1. Lehrer's Coherentism and the Isolation Objection.- 2. Personal Coherence, Objectivity and Reliability.- 3. Fundamental Troubles With the Coherence Theory.- 4. Lehrer's Coherence Theory of Knowledge.- 5. How Reasonable is Lehrer's Coherence Theory? Beats Me..- 6. When Can What You Don't Know Hurt You?.- III. Focus: Laurence Bonjour's The Structure of Empirical Knowledge.- 1. BonJour's The Structure of Empirical Knowledge.- 2. BonJour's Coherence Theory of Justification.- 3. BonJour's Coherentism.- 4. Circularity, Non-Linear Justification, and Holistic Coherentism.- 5. Coherentist Theories of Knowledge Don't Apply to Enough Outside of Science and Don't Give the Right Results When Applied to Science.- 6. The St. Elizabethan World.- 7. Coherence, Observation, and the Justification of Empirical Belief.- 8. Epistemic Priority and Coherence.- 9. BonJour's Anti-Foundationalist Argument.- 10. Foundations.- IV. Focus: Coherence and Related Epistemic Concerns.- 1. The Unattainability of Coherence.- 2. Epistemically Justified Opinion.- 3. The Multiple Faces of Knowing: The Hierarchies of Epistemic Species.- 4. Equilibrium in Coherence?.- V. Coherentists Respond.- 1. Coherence and the Truth Connection: A Reply to My Critics.- 2. Replies and Clarifications.