The time course of a lane change: Driver control and eye-movement behavior

In this paper we explore the time course of a lane change in terms of the driver’s control and eyemovement behavior. We conducted an experiment in which drivers navigated a simulated multi-lane highway environment in a fixed-base, medium-fidelity driving simulator. We then segmented the driver data into standardized units of time to facilitate an analysis of behavior before, during, and after a lane change. Results of this analysis showed that (1) drivers produced the expected sine-wave steering pattern except for a longer and flatter second peak as they straightened the vehicle; (2) drivers decelerated slightly before a pass lane change, accelerated soon after the lane change, and maintained the higher speed up until the onset of the return lane change; (3) drivers had their turn signals on only 50% of the time at lane-change onset, reaching a 90% rate only 1.5–2 s after onset; (4) drivers shifted their primary visual focus from the start lane to the destination lane immediately after the onset of the lane change. These results will serve as the basis for future development of a new integrated model of driver behavior. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.