Magnetic fields in the heliosheath

We review observations of the magnetic field made by Voyager 1 in the heliosheath from DOY 351, 2004 to 125, 2005, and we discuss their significance in regard to the structure and dynamics of the heliosheath. The probability distribution of hourly averages of B in the heliosheath is a Gaussian distribution. The largest structure observed to date was a unipolar magnetic sector, which V1 entered on DOY 360, 2004 and exited on DOY 110, 2005. In the sector, the distribution function of each of the three components of hour averages of B relative to their mean values was Gaussian; the widths of these distributions were all comparable, indicating that the fluctuations in B were nearly isotropic. The turbulence on this scale is compressible and isotropic relative to the mean B. This sample of the turbulence contains ordered features, including magnetic holes. Preliminary results concerning the multiscale and multifractal structure of the magnetic field in the heliosheath are described briefly.