Slider: An Efficient Incremental Reasoner

The Semantic Web has gained substantial momentum over the last decade. It contributes to the manifestation of knowledge from data, and leverages implicit knowledge through reasoning algorithms. The main drawbacks of current reasoning methods over ontologies are two-fold: first they struggle to provide scalability for large datasets, and second, the batch processing reasoners who provide the best scalability so far are unable to infer knowledge from evolving data. We contribute to solving these problems by introducing Slider, an efficient incremental reasoner. Slider goes a significant step beyond existing system, including i) performance, by more than a 70% improvement in average compared to the fastest reasoner available to the best of our knowledge, and ii) inferences on streams of semantic data, by using intrinsic features that are themselves streams-oriented. Slider is fragment agnostic and conceived to handle expanding data with a growing background knowledge base. It natively supports pdf and RDFS, and its architecture allows to extend it to more complex fragments with a minimal effort. In this demo a web-based interface allows the users to visualize the internal behaviour of Slider during the inference, to better understand its design and principles.

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