The liver annual 2, 1982

The liver annual 2, 1982 Edited by I M Arias, M Frenkel, and J H P Wilson. (Pp. 473; illustrated; $76.75.) Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, 1982. This is the second year of this Liver annual. Any conscientious reader of this series will certainly be kept abreast with developments in hepatology. The authors of the various sections are experts in their fields, and have been carefully chosen. Similarly, the subjects are relevant. Each essay is not simply a summary of the literature, but includes an interpretation. The present volume includes excellent contributions on hepatic protein metabolism, alcohol and the liver, viral hepatitis, and indeed all the major growing areas in hepatology. There are two problems. The review stops on 30 June 1981, so that the review of the literature is already one year out of date. The enthusiastic research worker will have to keep up with original articles in the journals. The second problem is the almost total lack of illustrative material whether tables or figures. This is presumably house policy, but makes the text much heavier going than it might be. Policy cannot be on cash grounds as the book is well up to the price asked for other better illustrated reviews. This book can be recommended to all practising hepatologists.