Dyeing of meta-Aramid Woven Fabric with Vat Dyes

Abstract: Herein, 100% meta-aramid woven fabric was dyed with three vat dyes and their dyeing and fastness prop-erties were investigated. Color yields of the vat dyes on the meta-aramid fabric were dependent on dyeing temperature,amount of reducing agent, and amount of salt. Dyeing behavior of the vat dye on the meta-aramid fiber was very sim-ilar to that on cellulose fibers. It was found that the meta-aramid fabric dyed with 1% owf of Indanthren Black 5589satisfied the tolerance of the NIR reflectance spectrum of charcoal color in the Korean military standard. Wash andperspiration fastness was generally good, while rubbing fastness was moderate and light fastness was unsatisfactory.Keywords: meta-aramid fiber, vat dyes, military uniform, NIR camouflage, leuco form 1. 서 론 수퍼섬유중에서 의류용 섬유로 가장 많이 이용되는 것은메타 아라미드(meta-aramid) 섬유이다(Scheme 1). 이 섬유는 유리전이온도(T g )가 260~270 o C, 질소환경하 열분해온도가 430 o C로 매우 우수한 내열성을 보이는데, 특히 250 o C에서 1,000시간 노출 시에도 70% 이상의 강도를 보유하는것으로 알려져 있다. 장기 내열성 면에서는 파라 아라미드(para-aramid) 섬유보다 우수하며 열수수축률이 1% 이하로치수안정성이 우수하여 안정된 물성을 발휘한다. 난연성측면에서는 LOI 값이 28~32로 자기소화성을 갖고, CO,CO