Beamforming techniques for mobile wireless communication systems like LTE using multiple antenna arrays for transmission and reception to increase the signal-to-noise-and-interference ratio (SINR) are state of the art. The increased SINR is not only due to a larger gain in the direction of the desired user, but also due to a better control of the spatial distribution of interference in the cell. To further enhance the system performance not only the horizontal, but also the vertical dimension can be exploited for beam pattern adaptation, thus giving an additional degree of freedom for interference avoidance among adjacent cells. This horizontal and vertical beam pattern adaptation is also referred to as 3D beamforming in the following. This paper describes investigations of the potential of 3D beamforming with lab and field trial setups and provides initial performance results.
Stephan Saur,et al.
Interference avoidance with dynamic vertical beamsteering in real deployments
2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW).
D 6 . 2-Laboratory and field trial results connected to the first set of innovations
Tommy Svensson,et al.
EU FP7 INFSO-ICT-247223 ARTIST4G, D1.1 Definitions and architecture requirements for supporting interference avoidance techniques
Behrooz Makki,et al.
EU FP7 INFSO-ICT-247223 ARTIST4G, D1.2 Innovative advanced signal processing algorithms for interference avoidance
Stephan Saur,et al.
Exploring the vertical dimension of dynamic beam steering
2011 8th International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Systems & Solutions.