쇼케이스에서 고온가스 바이패스 및 단속운전 제상사이클의 성능특성에 관한 실험적 연구
During the defrosting process, the temperature in the cabinet of a showcase becomes high as compared to the setting point, which is not desirable for stored foods or materials. It is necessary to develop a more efficient defrosting method to prevent large temperature fluctuation. In this study, the performance of a showcase refrigeration system with three evaporators is investigated by employing a hot-gas bypass defrosting technology in the system under frosting and defrosting conditions. The operating characteristics are compared with those for the on-off defrosting method that has been widely used in current products. As a result, the hot-gas bypass defrosting method shows higher refrigerating capacity and less temperature fluctuation than the on-off method under frosting/defrosting conditions, while the power input is relatively high for the hot-gas bypass method.