How Can Stakeholders' Visions for Rebuilding a Community be Compiled into a Plan? : Recovery and Reconstruction Planning in Ojiya City

The goal of this paper is to develop techniques to establish comprehensive disaster recovery and reconstruction planning with stakeholder involvement. This paper deals with disaster recovery and the reconstruction planning process in Ojiya City, which was heavily affected by the 2004 Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake Disaster. Disaster recovery and reconstruction planning is a process of compiling ideas or visions of stakeholders of an affected com- munity into a plan. There are two aspects in planning; one is how the ideas of stakeholders are compiled into a plan to secure comprehensiveness, and the other is how a feasible plan is established. This paper will discuss these two aspects in planning from a case study of recovery and reconstruction planning in Ojiya City. A partic- ipatory planning scheme was adopted for the planning to accomplish the first aspects, and a strategic plan scheme was used to accomplish the second aspects. Comprehensive recovery and reconstruction from the 2005 Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake Disaster for Ojiya City based on a strategic plan framework was successfully developed through five stakeholder workshops. A goal statement of the plan is "making Ojiya better than before the earth- quake." Six objectives comprising 1) Life Recovery, 2) Economic Recovery, 3) Infrastructure Restoration, 4) Community Empowerment, 5) Disaster Management, and 6) Citizen Participation were clarified through work- shops as tasks to realize the goal, and 31 polices and 72 programs were established as tools to realize the six objec- tives.