Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works

In a rapidly changing technological environment, the difficult task of ensuring long-term access to digital information is increasingly important. The Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works presents over 665 English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. This selective bibliography covers digital curation and preservation copyright issues, digital formats (e.g., data, media, and e-journals), metadata, models and policies, national and international efforts, projects and institutional implementations, research studies, services, strategies, and digital repository concerns. Most sources have been published from 2000 through 2011; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included. The bibliography includes links to freely available versions of included works, such as e-prints and open access articles.

[1]  Suhasini L. Kumar Providing Perpetual Access to Government Information , 2006 .

[2]  A Gulland There's a will but is there a way? , 1997, Nursing times.

[3]  Amy Kirchhoff,et al.  Preserving E-Journals , 2008 .

[4]  Shigeo Sugimoto,et al.  A Metadata Framework for Cloud-Based Digital Archives Using METS with PREMIS , 2011, ICADL.

[5]  Dave Thompson,et al.  Automating the appraisal of digital materials , 2010, Libr. Hi Tech.

[6]  Jeffrey R. van der Hoeven,et al.  Avoiding a Digital Dark Age for data: why publishers should care about digital preservation , 2011, Learn. Publ..

[7]  Kristine Hanna Digital archiving: making it happen defining a web archiving strategy , 2007 .

[8]  Geyong Min,et al.  A software agent and Web service based system for digital preservation , 2010, First Monday.

[9]  Jane Hunter,et al.  SCOPE: A Scientific Compound Object Publishing and Editing System , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[10]  William R. Kehoe,et al.  Virtual Remote Control: Building a Preservation Risk Management Toolbox for Web Resources , 2004, D Lib Mag..

[11]  J. De Leeuwe,et al.  From repository to eternity : from Delft repository to DARE - the developments of OAI in The Netherlands , 2006 .

[13]  Gail Hodge,et al.  Formats for digital preservation: A review of alternatives and issues , 2007, Inf. Serv. Use.

[14]  Dan Schoonover,et al.  Creating a Statewide JSTOR Repository: Initial Steps Taken by the Florida State University System , 2010 .

[16]  Deborah Woodyard Significant property: digital preservation at the British Library , 2004 .

[17]  Steve Hitchcock,et al.  Characterising and Preserving Digital Repositories: File Format Profiles , 2011 .

[18]  Michael P. Spinella JSTOR: Past, Present, and Future , 2007 .

[19]  Jane Hunter,et al.  Implementing Preservation Strategies for Complex Multimedia Objects , 2003, ECDL.

[20]  David S. H. Rosenthal,et al.  Bit Preservation: A Solved Problem? , 2010, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[21]  Yannis Tzitzikas On Providing Intelligibility-Aware Preservation Services for Digital Objects , 2009, Data Sci. J..

[22]  Jitka Hurych National Digital Preservation Initiatives: An Overview of Developments in Australia, France, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and of Related International Activity , 2013 .

[23]  Colin Webb,et al.  Towards a preserved national collection of selected Australian digital publications , 2000 .

[24]  Li Lin,et al.  The Life3 Predictive Costing Tool for Digital Collections , 2010, iPRES.

[25]  Les Carr,et al.  Digital Preservation Service Provider Models for Institutional Repositories: Towards Distributed Services , 2007, D Lib Mag..

[26]  William G. LeFurgy Building Preservation Partnerships: The Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program , 2005, Libr. Trends.

[27]  Marianne S. Bracke,et al.  Emerging Data Curation Roles for Librarians: A Case Study of Agricultural Data , 2011 .

[28]  Johan F. Steenbakkers Digital Archiving in the Twenty-First Century: Practice at the National Library of the Netherlands , 2005, Libr. Trends.

[29]  Andreas Rauber,et al.  Uncovering Information Hidden in Web Archives: A Glimpse at Web Analysis Building on Data Warehouses , 2002, D Lib Mag..

[30]  L. Carpenter,et al.  Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions , 2005 .

[31]  Robert B. Allen,et al.  Archiving and Accessing Web Pages: The Goddard Library Web Capture Process , 2004, D Lib Mag..

[32]  Sharon M. McMeekin With a Little Help from OAIS: Starting down the Digital Curation Path , 2011 .

[33]  Andreas Rauber,et al.  Evaluating Strategies for the Preservation of Console Video Games , 2008, iPRES.

[34]  MacKenzie Smith Curating Architectural 3D CAD Models , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[35]  Erik Oltmans,et al.  Cost models in digital archiving : an overview of life cycle management at the National Library of the Netherlands , 2004 .

[36]  Karen Chapman An Examination of the Usefulness of JSTOR to Researchers in Finance , 2001 .

[37]  Helen R. Tibbo,et al.  Digital Curation and Trusted Repositories: Steps Toward Success , 2007, J. Digit. Inf..

[38]  Nicholas Joint Legal deposit and collection development in a digital world , 2006 .

[39]  Justin Littman Actualized Preservation Threats: Practical Lessons from Chronicling America , 2007, D Lib Mag..

[40]  Dawn Lawson,et al.  Developing a trusted digital repository: the OCLC experience , 2004 .

[41]  Peter McKinney,et al.  Digital Preservation in Capable Hands: Taking Control of Risk Assessment at the National Library of New Zealand , 2010 .

[42]  Cathy Smith Building an Internet Archive System for the British Broadcasting Corporation , 2005, Libr. Trends.

[43]  Lian Ding,et al.  Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[44]  P. Bryan Heidorn,et al.  Shedding Light on the Dark Data in the Long Tail of Science , 2008, Libr. Trends.

[45]  Andrew Woolf,et al.  An OAIS Based Approach to Effective Long-term Digital Metadata Curation , 2008, Comput. Inf. Sci..

[46]  Stephen Chapman Counting the Costs of Digital Preservation: Is Repository Storage Affordable? , 2003, J. Digit. Inf..

[47]  Karen F. Gracy,et al.  Moving Image Preservation and Cultural Capital , 2007, Libr. Trends.

[48]  David H. Carlson AAAS and JSTOR: Anatomy of a successful initiative , 2008 .

[49]  Mags McGinley The Legal Environment of Digital Curation - A Question of Balance for the Digital Librarian , 2007, ECDL.

[50]  Raymond A. Lorie,et al.  Trustworthy 100-year digital objects: durable encoding for when it's too late to ask , 2004, TOIS.

[51]  William Y. Arms Preservation of Scientific Serials: Three Current Examples , 1999 .

[52]  Mary Larsgaard,et al.  The National Geospatial Digital Archives—Collection Development: Lessons Learned , 2009, Libr. Trends.

[53]  Lynn Yarmey,et al.  Data Stewardship: Environmental Data Curation and a Web-of-Repositories , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[54]  Seamus Ross,et al.  The Role of Evidence in Establishing Trust in Repositories , 2006 .

[55]  Margaret L. Hedstrom Research Issues in Migration and Long-Term Preservation , 1997, Arch. Mus. Informatics.

[56]  Roger C. Schonfeld JSTOR: a case study in the recent history of scholarly communications , 2005, Program.

[57]  Michael Day The Digital Curation Centre , 2006 .

[58]  Tyler O. Walters,et al.  A Natural Collaboration: Preservation for Archival Collections in ARL Libraries , 2007, Libr. Trends.

[59]  Christoph Becker,et al.  Automated Preservation: The Case of Digital Raw Photographs , 2011, ICADL.

[60]  Eileen G. Fenton Responding to the Preservation Challenge: Portico, an Electronic Archiving Service , 2008 .

[61]  Michael J. Giarlo,et al.  Digital Archiving and Preservation: Technologies and Processes for a Trusted Repository , 2007 .

[62]  Michael Day,et al.  Metadata for Digital Preservation: A Review of Recent Developments , 2001, ECDL.

[63]  Sayeed Choudhury Data curation: An ecological perspective , 2010 .

[64]  Bradford Lee Eden Acquiring Copyright Permission to Digitize and Provide Open Access to Books , 2007 .

[65]  Adrienne Muir Legal deposit and preservation of digital publications: a review of research and development activity , 2001, J. Documentation.

[66]  Jano I. van Hemert,et al.  Using the DCC Lifecycle Model to Curate a Gene Expression Database: A Case Study , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[67]  Dirk von Suchodoletz,et al.  Emulation: From Digital Artefact to Remotely Rendered Environments , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[68]  Najla Semple Developing a digital preservation strategy at Edinburgh University Library , 2004 .

[69]  Robert Sharpe,et al.  Active Preservation , 2009, ECDL.

[70]  Melissa Terras,et al.  'Grand Theft Archive': A Quantitative Analysis of the State of Computer Game Preservation , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[71]  Adam Farquhar,et al.  Modelling Organizational Preservation Goals to Guide Digital Preservation , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[72]  Andreas Rauber,et al.  Hoppla - Digital Preservation Support for Small Institutions , 2009, ECDL.

[73]  Steve Knight Preservation Metadata: National Library of New Zealand Experience , 2005, Libr. Trends.

[74]  Jody DeRidder Benign Neglect: Developing Life Rafts for Digital Content , 2011 .

[75]  Ido Peled The Challenges of Building Ex Libris Rosetta, a Digital Preservation System , 2011 .

[76]  Jr. Charles W. Bailey,et al.  Institutional Repository and ETD Bibliography 2011 , 2011 .

[77]  Gertraud Griepke,et al.  The Electronic Mathematics Archives Network Initiative (EMANI) , 2001 .

[78]  Peter Leggate,et al.  The archiving of online journals , 2000, Learn. Publ..

[80]  Reagan Moore,et al.  Prototype Preservation Environments , 2005, Libr. Trends.

[81]  Reagan Moore,et al.  Digital Archive Policies and Trusted Digital Repositories , 2007, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[82]  Uwe M. Borghoff,et al.  The Use of Quality Management Standards in Trustworthy Digital Archives , 2010, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[83]  Catherine Seville,et al.  Intellectual property rights lessons from the Cedars project for digital preservation , 2000 .

[84]  David Thomas,et al.  UK Government Web Continuity: Persisting Access through Aligning Infrastructures , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[85]  Stephen L. Abrams,et al.  XML for e-journal archiving , 2003, OCLC Syst. Serv..

[86]  Gail McMillan Digital Preservation of Theses and Dissertations Through Collaboration , 2004 .

[87]  Inge Angevaare Taking Care of Digital Collections and Data: ‘Curation’ and Organisational Choices for Research Libraries , 2009 .

[88]  Steven J. Worley,et al.  Data Curation in Climate and Weather: Transforming Our Ability to Improve Predictions through Global Knowledge Sharing , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[89]  Wendy Duff,et al.  Digital Preservation Education: Educating or Networking? , 2007 .

[90]  Julie Sweetkind-Singer,et al.  The National Geospatial Digital Archive: A Collaborative Project to Archive Geospatial Data , 2009 .

[91]  Nick Nicholas,et al.  ARCHER - e-Research Tools for Research Data Management , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[92]  Martin C. Jürgens The digital print: identification and preservation , 2009 .

[93]  Andrew Lindley,et al.  The Planets Testbed: Science for Digital Preservation , 2008 .

[94]  Herna L. Viktor,et al.  Long-term digital preservation: preserving authenticity and usability of 3-D data , 2009, International Journal on Digital Libraries.

[95]  P. Lor Preserving African digital resources: is there a role for repository libraries? , 2005 .

[96]  Francis T. Marchese Conserving digital art for deep time , 2011, SIGGRAPH '11.

[97]  John L. Faundeen The challenge of archiving and preserving remotely sensed data , 2003, Data Sci. J..

[98]  Susanne Dobratz,et al.  Trustworthy Digital Long-Term Repositories: The Nestor Approach in the Context of International Developments , 2007, ECDL.

[99]  Kenneth Thibodeau,et al.  The Concept of Record in Interactive, Experiential and Dynamic Environments: the View of InterPARES* , 2005 .

[100]  Ruggero Lancia The DAF DDI Profile, a Metadata Set to Address Digital Curation and Preservation Issues in Cultural Heritage Institutions , 2010, EuroMed.

[101]  Ronald Jantz Public Opinion Polls and Digital Preservation: An Application of the Fedora Digital Object Repository System , 2003, D Lib Mag..

[102]  Valerie D. Glenn Preserving government and political information: The Web-at-Risk Project , 2007, First Monday.

[103]  Implementing digital archives: issues of trust , 2011 .

[104]  Stewart Granger,et al.  Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy , 2000, D Lib Mag..

[105]  Paul Ayris LIBER's involvement in supporting digital preservation in member libraries , 2009 .

[106]  Maggie Jones Spoilt for Choice -- A Comparative Study of E-journal Archiving Solutions , 2013 .

[107]  Adolfo G. Prieto,et al.  From conceptual to perceptual reality: trust in digital repositories , 2009 .

[108]  Frank McCarthy Digital preservation – making the song remain the same , 2008 .

[109]  Priscilla Caplan Building a digital preservation archive: tales from the front , 2004 .

[110]  David L. Giaretta The CASPAR Approach to Digital Preservation , 2007, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[111]  Jingfang Niu A Metadata Framework Developed at the Tsinghua University Library to Aid in the Preservation of Digital Resources , 2002, D Lib Mag..

[112]  Colin Webb,et al.  Safekeeping: A Cooperative Approach to Building a Digital Preservation Resource , 2002, D Lib Mag..

[113]  Andreas Rauber,et al.  From TIFF to JPEG 2000? Preservation Planning at the Bavarian State Library Using a Collection of Digitized 16th Century Printings , 2009, D Lib Mag..

[114]  Peter Williams,et al.  The personal curation of digital objects: A lifecycle approach , 2009, Aslib Proc..

[115]  Robin Dale,et al.  Process Models and the Development of Trustworthy Digital Repositories , 2010 .

[116]  Colin Webb,et al.  Defining File Format Obsolescence: A Risky Journey , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[117]  Richard Pearce-Moses The PeDALS Project , 2013 .

[118]  Gordon B. Neavill Electronic Publishing, Libraries, and the Survival of Information. , 1984 .

[119]  Devan Ray Donaldson,et al.  Implementing PREMIS: a case study of the Florida Digital Archive , 2010, Libr. Hi Tech.

[120]  Peter Buneman,et al.  Curating the CIA World Factbook , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[121]  Richard Wright Digital preservation of audio, video and film , 2004 .

[122]  Margaret E. Phillips The National Library of Australia: Ensuring Long-Term Access to Online Publications , 1999 .

[123]  Seamus Ross The Role of ERPANET in Supporting Digital Curation and Preservation in Europe , 2004, D Lib Mag..

[124]  Nancy Brodie Building a National Electronic Collection for Long-Term Access , 1998 .

[125]  Kevin M. Guthrie Lessons from JSTOR: User Behavior and Faculty Attitudes , 2002 .

[126]  David S. H. Rosenthal,et al.  Transparent Format Migration of Preserved Web Content , 2004, D Lib Mag..

[127]  Yola de Lusenet,et al.  Tending the Garden or Harvesting the Fields: Digital Preservation and the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage , 2007, Libr. Trends.

[128]  Vicky Reich,et al.  LOCKSS, A permanent web publishing and access system: Brief introduction and status report , 2001 .

[129]  S. Corbett Copyright and cultural heritage: preservation and access to works in a digital world , 2011 .

[130]  Les Carr,et al.  PRONOM-ROAR: Adding Format Profiles to a Repository Registry to Inform Preservation Services , 2007, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[131]  Susanne Dobratz,et al.  The nestor Catalogue of Criteria for Trusted Digital Repository Evaluation and Certification , 2006, J. Digit. Inf..

[132]  Luciana Duranti The long-term preservation of accurate and authentic digital data: the INTERPARES project , 2005, Data Sci. J..

[133]  Jerome P. McDonough,et al.  Video Preservation and Digital Reformatting: Pain and Possibility , 2007 .

[134]  MacKenzie Smith Exploring Variety in Digital Collections and the Implications for Digital Preservation , 2005, Libr. Trends.

[135]  Martin Halbert,et al.  Comparison of Strategies and Policies for Building Distributed Digital Preservation Infrastructure: Initial Findings from the MetaArchive Cooperative , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[136]  Matthew G. Kirschenbaum,et al.  Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections. CLIR Publication No. 149. , 2010 .

[137]  Jeff Haywood,et al.  Research Data Management Initiatives at University of Edinburgh , 2011, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[138]  Seamus Ross ERPANET: a European platform for enabling digital preservation , 2004 .

[139]  Michael Moss,et al.  ‘Without the Data, the Tools are Useless; Without the Software, the Data is Unmanageable’ 1 , 2010 .

[140]  David Pearson,et al.  "Land of the lost": a discussion of what can be preserved through digital preservation , 2010, Libr. Hi Tech.

[141]  Kevin M. Guthrie Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Archiving in the Electronic Era , 2001 .

[142]  Melissa H. Cragin,et al.  Constructing Data Curation Profiles , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[143]  Martha Anderson Evolving a Network of Networks: The Experience of Partnerships in the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[144]  E. Nielsen Digitization of library material in Europe. Problems obstacles and perspectives anno 2007 , 2008 .

[145]  Katherine Skinner,et al.  Economics, sustainability, and the cooperative model in digital preservation , 2010, Libr. Hi Tech.

[147]  Michael Day,et al.  Online serials : Preservation issues , 1998 .

[148]  Chirag Shah Mining Contextual Information for Ephemeral Digital Video Preservation , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[149]  Saul F. C. Zulu,et al.  Digital heritage material preservation in Botswana: problems and prospects , 2009 .

[150]  Heather Christenson Hathitrust: A research library at web Scale , 2011 .

[151]  Brian F. Lavoie PREMIS With a Fresh Coat of Paint: Highlights from the Revision of the PREMIS Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata , 2008, D Lib Mag..

[152]  Deborah Woodyard Metadata and preservation , 2002 .

[153]  Ronald Dekker,et al.  Dataset Preservation for the Long Term: Results of the DareLux Project , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[154]  Julien Masanès,et al.  Web Archiving Methods and Approaches: A Comparative Study , 2006, Libr. Trends.

[155]  Seamus Ross,et al.  Audit and certification of digital repositories: creating a mandate for the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) , 2005 .

[156]  Stephen Abrams The role of format in digital preservation , 2004 .

[157]  Kathleen R. Murray,et al.  Archiving Web-published materials: A needs assessment of librarians, researchers, and content providers , 2008, Gov. Inf. Q..

[158]  Michael Day,et al.  E-print services and long-term access to the record of scholarly and scientific research , 2001 .

[159]  Helen Shenton,et al.  From talking to doing: Digital preservation at the British library , 2000 .

[160]  Seamus Ross,et al.  Bringing Self-assessment Home: Repository Profiling and Key Lines of Enquiry within DRAMBORA , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[161]  Steven Newhouse,et al.  User Priorities for Data: Results from SUPER , 2007, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[162]  Robert H. McDonald,et al.  Restoring Trust Relationships within the Framework of Collaborative Digital Preservation Federations , 2010, J. Digit. Inf..

[163]  William L. Anderson Some challenges and issues in managing, and preserving access to, long-lived collections of digital scientific and technical data , 2004, Data Sci. J..

[164]  Mary Larsgaard,et al.  Digital Preservation of Geospatial Data , 2006, Libr. Trends.

[165]  Tom Cramer,et al.  Designing and Implementing Second Generation Digital Preservation Services: A Scalable Model for the Stanford Digital Repository , 2010, D Lib Mag..

[166]  Elizabeth Yakel,et al.  Digital Curation for Digital Natives , 2011 .

[167]  Shawn W. Nicholson,et al.  Digital Curation Planning at Michigan State University , 2011 .

[168]  Jane Hunter,et al.  Scientific Publication Packages - A Selective Approach to the Communication and Archival of Scientific Output , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[169]  Gail Steinhart,et al.  Establishing Trust in a Chain of Preservation: The TRAC Checklist Applied to a Data Staging Repository (DataStaR) , 2009, D Lib Mag..

[170]  Paul B. Watry Digital Preservation Theory and Application: Transcontinental Persistent Archives Testbed Activity , 2007, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[171]  Julien Masanès,et al.  Towards Continuous Web Archiving: First Results and an Agenda for the Future , 2002, D Lib Mag..

[172]  Gail Steinhart Libraries as Distributors of Geospatial Data: Data Management Policies as Tools for Managing Partnerships , 2006, Libr. Trends.

[173]  Tyler O. Walters,et al.  Data Curation Program Development in U.S. Universities: The Georgia Institute of Technology Example , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[174]  P. Bryan Heidorn,et al.  The Emerging Role of Libraries in Data Curation and E-science , 2011 .

[175]  Michael Witt Institutional Repositories and Research Data Curation in a Distributed Environment , 2008, Libr. Trends.

[176]  Jens Klump,et al.  Criteria for the Trustworthiness of Data Centres , 2011, D Lib Mag..

[177]  Andrew Williamson Awareness of quality assurance procedures in digital preservation , 2004 .

[178]  Kevin M. Guthrie JSTOR and the University of Michigan: an evolving collaboration , 1998 .

[179]  Abby Smith Distributed Preservation in a National Context: NDIIPP at Mid-point , 2006, D Lib Mag..

[180]  Bruce I. Ambacher Government Archives and the Digital Repository Audit Checklist , 2007, J. Digit. Inf..

[181]  Susan Thomas,et al.  Using the papers of contemporary British politicians as a testbed for the preservation of digital personal archives , 2006 .

[182]  Sherry L. Xie Building Foundations for Digital Records Forensics: A Comparative Study of the Concept of Reproduction in Digital Records Management and Digital Forensics , 2011 .

[183]  Sadie L. Honey,et al.  Preservation of Electronic Scholarly Publishing: An Analysis of Three Approaches , 2005 .

[184]  Robert R. Downs,et al.  Self-Assessment of a Long-Term Archive for Interdisciplinary Scientific Data as a Trustworthy Digital Repository , 2009, J. Digit. Inf..

[185]  Neil Beagrie The Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy for the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) , 2004, D Lib Mag..

[186]  Jerome McDonough,et al.  Packaging videogames for long-term preservation: Integrating FRBR and the OAIS reference model , 2011, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol..

[187]  Remco Verdegem,et al.  Practical experiences of the Dutch digital preservation test-bed , 2004 .

[188]  Mark Bide,et al.  A registry of archived electronic journals , 2010, J. Libr. Inf. Sci..

[189]  José Carlos Ramalho,et al.  A Foundation for Automatic Digital Preservation , 2006 .

[190]  Maggie Jones E-journals--what do you get for your money? , 2003 .

[191]  Paul Jeffreys,et al.  An Institutional Approach to Developing Research Data Management Infrastructure , 2011, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[192]  Steve G. Probets,et al.  Provision of digital preservation metadata: a role for ONIX? , 2004, Program.

[193]  Stephen Pinfield,et al.  The Digital Preservation of e-Prints , 2003, D Lib Mag..

[194]  Heiko Tjalsma,et al.  The ADA approach: retro-archiving data in an academic environment , 2007 .

[195]  Paul Conway Archival quality and long-term preservation: a research framework for validating the usefulness of digital surrogates , 2011 .

[196]  Greg Janée Digital Curation , 2009, Encyclopedia of Database Systems.

[197]  Steve Knight Early learnings from the National Library of New Zealand's National Digital Heritage Archive project , 2010, Program.

[198]  Lisa Schmidt Preserving the H-Net Email Lists: A Case Study in Trusted Digital Repository Assessment , 2011 .

[199]  Clay Shirky,et al.  AIHT: Conceptual Issues from Practical Tests , 2005, D Lib Mag..

[200]  David Giaretta,et al.  Curating Scientific Research Data for the Long Term: A Preservation Analysis Method in Context , 2011, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[201]  John Mark Ockerbloom Archiving and Preserving PDF Files , 2001 .

[202]  Andreas Rauber,et al.  Preserving Interactive Multimedia Art: A Case Study in Preservation Planning , 2007, ICADL.

[203]  Leslie M. Delserone At the Watershed: Preparing for Research Data Management and Stewardship at the University of Minnesota Libraries , 2008, Libr. Trends.

[204]  Donald J. Waters Transforming Libraries Through Digital Preservation , 1998 .

[205]  Martin Donnelly,et al.  The Milieu and the MESSAGE: Talking to Researchers about Data Curation Issues in a Large and Diverse e-Science Project , 2011, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[206]  Hyuk-Jin Lee,et al.  Collaboration in cultural heritage digitisation in East Asia , 2010, Program.

[207]  Butch Lazorchak,et al.  GeoMAPP: A Geospatial Multistate Archive and Preservation Partnership , 2009 .

[208]  Michael J. Giarlo,et al.  Digital Preservation: Architecture and Technology for Trusted Digital Repositories , 2005, D Lib Mag..

[209]  Robert H. McDonald,et al.  NDIIPP Models for Mass Data Transmission and Storage , 2009, Libr. Trends.

[210]  Amy Friedlander The National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program: Expectations, Realities, Choices and Progress to Date , 2002, D Lib Mag..

[211]  Michael Spinella JSTOR and the changing digital landscape , 2008 .

[212]  William E. Landis,et al.  Redefining access to scholarly journals: A progress report on JSTOR , 1997 .

[213]  Julian D. Richards,et al.  Digital preservation and access , 2002, European Journal of Archaeology.

[214]  Seamus Ross,et al.  The UK LOCKSS Pilot Programme: A Perspective from the LOCKSS Technical Support Service , 2007, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[215]  Adrian Burton,et al.  Designing for Discovery and Re-Use: the 'ANDS Data Sharing Verbs' Approach to Service Decomposition , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[216]  José Carlos Ramalho,et al.  Distributed Preservation Services: Integrating Planning and Actions , 2008, ECDL.

[217]  C. W. Kanyengo Managing digital information resources in Africa: Preserving the integrity of scholarship , 2009 .

[218]  Andrew Charlesworth Digital Curation, Copyright, and Academic Research , 2006, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[219]  Dongwon Lee,et al.  Practical maintenance of evolving metadata for digital preservation: algorithmic solution and system support , 2007, International Journal on Digital Libraries.

[220]  Thomas Connertz Long‐term archiving of digital documents: what efforts are being made in Germany? , 2003, Learn. Publ..

[221]  Ronald Milne,et al.  Implementing E-Legal Deposit: A British Library Perspective , 2008 .

[222]  Martha Neri Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Understanding the Pros and Cons of Digital Preservation , 2001 .

[223]  Sarah Higgins DCC DIFFUSE Standards Frameworks: A Standards Path through the Curation Lifecycle , 2009, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[224]  James Dearnley,et al.  Playing Games With Cultural Heritage: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of the Current Status of Digital Game Preservation , 2011, Games Cult..

[225]  Franco Liberati,et al.  A Format for Digital Preservation of Images: A Study on JPEG 2000 File Robustness , 2008, D Lib Mag..

[226]  David Walling,et al.  Automating the Extraction of Metadata from Archaeological Data Using iRods Rules , 2011, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[227]  Lachlan Glanville,et al.  Web archiving: ethical and legal issues affecting programmes in Australia and the Netherlands , 2010 .

[228]  B. Pymm,et al.  Legal Issues Related to Whole-of-Domain Web Harvesting in Australia , 2009 .

[229]  Charles W. Bailey Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Bibliography , 2005 .

[230]  Liz Madden Applying the Digital Curation Lessons Learned from American Memory , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[231]  Kelly Russell Digital preservation and the Cedars project experience , 2000 .

[232]  Michael L. Nelson,et al.  Creating Preservation-Ready Web Resources , 2008, D Lib Mag..

[233]  Mark Hedges,et al.  Modelling OAIS Compliance for Disaggregated Preservation Services , 2008, Int. J. Digit. Curation.

[234]  Megan A. Winget Videogame preservation and massively multiplayer online role-playing games: A review of the literature , 2011, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol..

[235]  Hilde van Wijngaarden,et al.  Digital preservation in practice: the e‐Depot at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek , 2004 .

[236]  Eun G. Park Perspectives on Access to Electronic Journals for Long-Term Preservation , 2007 .

[237]  Joyce L. Ogburn The Imperative for Data Curation , 2010 .

[238]  Golnessa Galyani Moghaddam Preserving scientific electronic journals: a study of archiving initiatives , 2008, Electron. Libr..

[239]  Chris Rusbridge Excuse Me... ¿Some Digital Preservation Fallacies? , 2006 .

[240]  Adrienne Muir,et al.  The Right to Preserve: The Rights Issues of Digital Preservation , 2004, D Lib Mag..

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