Life Cycle Assessments of Loans and Exhibitions: Three Case Studies at the Museum Fine Arts, Boston

This project grew from discussions concerning the environmental impact of museum and cultural institution activities. Life cycle assessment was the chosen tool to address pressing questions around this topic. Three life cycle assessment case studies were commissioned for this project. Case Study 1 considered the materials and environmental impact related to loan preparation and shipment of a single crate to two different venues. Plexiglas™ vitrines, gallery lighting, and climate controls were responsible for approximately one-third of the carbon emissions from the exhibition preparation phase. Crate and Plexiglas™ reuse as few as four times would significantly lower the loan carbon impact. The highest environmental impact of all loan phases proved to be the carbon foot print of the courier who travels two round trips for every loan round trip and has more than three times the impact of the art transport. Case Study 2 compared efficiencies of the cost and life cycle of halogen lamps with light emitting diode lamps in a single Museum of Fine Arts gallery. This study concluded that in addition to long-term cost savings, light emitting diode use results in lower environmental impact, lower eco-toxicity, and fewer human health indicators than halogen lamps. Case Study 3 addressed cost and energy savings resulting from the temporary shutdown of air handling equipment for one newly constructed gallery at the Museum of Fine Arts.