A Framework to Analyze Quality of Service (QoS) for Text-To-Speech (TTS) Services

Quality of service (QoS) evaluation is vital for text-to-speech (TTS) web service applications. Most of the current solutions focus on either evaluating functional or nonfunctional attributes of the TTS. In this paper, we propose a QoS framework to evaluate and analyze the perceived QoS that combines general and specific mechanisms for measuring both functional and nonfunctional requirements of speech quality. General mechanism measures the response time of TTS services while specific mechanism measures intelligibility and naturalness through subjective quality measurements, which are mapped onto mean opinion score (MOS). The result shows the workability of the framework, tested by predetermined users to three services: service1 (Fromtexttospeech) resulting 47.84%; service2 and service3 (NaturalReader and Yakitome) are 31.62 and 21.53% respectively. The TTS services evaluation can be to enhance the user experience.