A note on the reliability and validity of a 30‐item version of Entwistle & Tait's Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory
Background. The Approaches to Studying Inventory is a widely used instrument, devised to measure individual differences in learning, and has recently undergone revision. No published work reports the psychometric properties of the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI).
Aims. The study aims to determine the reliability and validity of the scores produced by a short-form, 30-item RASI.
Sample. The sample consisted of 356 undergraduate students (204 females, 125 males, 27 anonymous responses) enrolled in the Faculty of Business at a medium-sized UK university. A total of 101 were aged 25 years or over, 228 were aged under 25 years.
Methods. The internal consistency reliability of the scores produced by the RASI is established by the calculation of alpha coefficients. The construct validity of the scores produced by the instrument is established by oblique factor analysis of the 12 subscales and then the 30 items.
Results. Evidence of moderate to high internal consistency reliability and satisfactory construct validity.
Conclusions. This short-version of the RASI can be recommended to researchers, staff developers and teachers as a useful instrument to measure approaches to learning.