Failure of bromocriptine to lower plasma catecholamines in normal men and women.

A plasma catecholamine-lowering effect of bromocriptine has previously been reported in normals, but not in patients with PRL- or GH-secreting pituitary tumors, and has been used as evidence to support the concept of disordered central nervous system dopaminergic tone in patients with such tumors and as a test to distinguish them from normals. In the present study of 16 normal subjects (9 women and 7 men), we found no significant change in plasma norepinephrine or epinephrine after bromocriptine. Similarly, no change occurred in plasma catecholamines in 8 patients with PRL-secreting tumors or 6 patients with ACTH hypersecretion. Our data, therefore, do not provide confirmatory evidence for an effect of bromocriptine on plasma catecholamines in normal subjects and do not support the proposed use of bromocriptine as a test for defective central dopaminergic regulation.