Laser fire protection

The application of lasers in the medical and industrial professions has greatly increased in recent years. With the increase in use there has been an increase in the number of accidental fires caused by lasers. In the medical field, the laser beam has been known to ignite combustible materials. Other fires have been caused by failure of the laser equipment itself which can be further complicated by the proximity of flammable liquids. Such fires are more likely to occur in industrial settings.Fire hazards associated with lasers can take many forms. The most obvious is the use of flammable liquids. Oxidizing gasses such as fluorine can also pose a significant fire hazard. Not so obvious are the materials used in constructing the laser such as plastic parts and tubing that can enhance the spread of fire. Failure of electrical equipment is always a hazard as a potential source of ignition.Mitigating the potential threat from the different fire hazards associated with lasers can take many forms. Some can be ve...