Sixth-nerve Palsy after Lumbar Puncture and Spinal Analgesia

distance. But there seems to be no case in the literature in which receding reduplicated images have been seen. Another unusual feature is that the images are multiplications of objects actually seen-in the absence of illumination there are no hallucinatory phenomena. As these seizures were also characterized by turning of the head and eyes to the right and smacking of the lips, a left temporo-frontal focus was sought. It is generally cOnsidered that the occurrence of organized visual hallucinations indicates a disturbance in one or other temporal lobe, usually in the dominant hemisphere; and Penfield and Erickson (1941) and Marchand and de Ajuriaguerra (1948) classify seizures characterized thereby in the group of so-called " psychical seizures." In the presFnt case, however, no clinical or electroencephalographic evidence of such a lesion could be found. Conclusion These two children have electroencephalographic records and clinical histories which suggest that they are suffering from a paroxysmal cerebral dysrhythmia of non-focal type. In each case the seizures are ushered in by unusual introductory phenomena, which, on current physiological grounds, might be expected to be related to disturbance in the anterior temporal lobe or island of Reil, but in which no evidence of such dysfunction can be found. It seems that these are cases of "idiopathic" epilepsy with unusual aurae, and as such have responded to treatment with phenobarbitone, with disappearance of seizures over the past year, during which time they have been under regular supervision.