Biomass Power Development for the Philippines
The Philippines has abundant supplies of biomass resources, offering much
potential for energy generation particularly from rice hulls and municipal solid waste. At
present, the amount of usable power and other usable energy forms being produced from
biomass is very small relative to the biomass resources available for this use. Biomass-toenergy
projects, if developed and managed properly can create sustainable enterprises, protect
the environment, and reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for the rural poor. An
integrated project has been conducted to assess technological readiness, financing, capacity
building, and Philippine national policy affecting biomass power development at selected
sites. Key accomplishments include: (1) the creation of enabling policies and a favorable
institutional environment for sustainable biomass resource use and development. (2) The
development of a replicable training model to educate, build local capacity, create incentives,
and structure the rural communities’ own biomass projects. (3) The identification and
selection of a rice mill that has established a strong collaboration and agreements with its
community, local, regional, and national government and power distributors, technology
suppliers, system developers, operators, local industries for maintenance and repair,
transportation and other infrastructural activities, biomass fuel suppliers, and generators, and
local and international research and development institutions, financiers, and others.