Perception and action cycle for cognitive robotics

This paper describes the perceptual system based on invariant concept and the action system to aquire a better perception based on the perceiving-acting cycle to grasp an unknown object for a service robot. A service robot should take action in order to fulfill specific tasks in real time, even in an unknown environment. To work a service robot in an unknown environment, we focus on the perception system and the action system based on perceiving-acting cycle concept in ecological psychology. For the perception system, we focus on a direct perception concept. We have proposed the invariant detection based on the direct perception concept. To calculate the invariant information, we consider the relation with the principal moment of inertia of a detected object. For the action system, we focus on a perceiving-acting cycle concept. We have proposed the prediction method to acquire the better perception using the inertia tensor of a detected object. We have performed the experiments in an unknown environment which assumes to grasp an object. We discuss the cyclic system between perception and action for a robot.