Current oculomotor research : physiological and psychological aspects
Brainstem Anatomy of Saccades and Ocular Following J.A. Buttner-Ennever, A.K.E. Horn. C-Fos Expression in the Optokinetic Nuclei of the Rat following Different Visual Stimulus Conditions G. Biral, et al. Neuronal Activity in Monkey Superior Colliculus during an Antisaccade Tas S. Everling, et al. Space and Salience in Parietal Cortex K.D. Powell, et al. Parietal Neurons Are Activated by Smooth Pursuit of Imaginary Targets U.J. Ilg, et al. Properties of Saccades during Optokinetic Responses to Radial Optic Flow in Monkeys M. Lappe, et al. Erroneous Prosaccades in a Gap-Antisaccade-Task: Production, Correction, and Recognition B. Fischer, et al. The Subjective Direction of Gaze Shifts Long before the Saccade H. Dubel, et al. Does Visual Background Information Influence Saccadic Adaptation? J. Ditterich, et al. Effects of Targe Size and Brightness and Fixation Point Size on Human Visually-Guided Voluntary Saccades Y. Ebisawa. Effects of Warning Signals on Saccadic Reaction Times and Event-Related Potentials A. Spantekow, et al. Adaptation to Visual Field Defects with Virtual Reality Scotoma in Healthy Subjects W.H. Zangmeister, U. Oechsner. 54 additional articles. Index.