The tungsten divertor experiment at ASDEX upgrade

Tungsten-coated tiles, manufactured by plasma spray on graphite, were mounted in the divertor of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak and cover almost 90% of the surface facing the plasma in the strike zone. Over 600 plasma discharges have been performed to date, around 300 of which were auxiliary heated with heating powers up to 10 MW. The production of tungsten in the divertor was monitored by a W I line at 400.8 nm. In the plasma centre an array of spectral lines at 5 nm emitted by ionization states around W XXX was measured. From the intensity of these lines the W content was derived. Under normal discharge conditions W-concentrations around or even lower were found. The influence on the main plasma parameters was found to be negligible. The maximum concentrations observed decrease with increasing heating power. In several low power discharges accumulation of tungsten occurred and the temperature profile was flattened. The concentrations of the intrinsic impurities carbon and oxygen were comparable to the discharges with the graphite divertor. Furthermore, the density and the limits remained unchanged and no negative influence on the energy confinement or on the H-mode threshold was found. Discharges with neon radiative cooling showed the same behaviour as in the graphite divertor case.

Rohde | A. Bergmann | M. Niethammer | A. Carlson | J. Stober | F. Leuterer | M. Münich | R. Neu | H. Zohm | P. McCarthy | G. Pautasso | F. Ryter | M. Brambilla | D. Coster | R. Schneider | J. Schweinzer | R. Dux | A. Kallenbach | P. Lang | B. Kurzan | O. Gruber | R. Wolf | G. Pereverzev | C. García-Rosales | W. Suttrop | K. Lackner | W. Poschenrieder | R. Behrisch | H. Bosch | R. Chodura | U. Seidel | B. Streibl | J. Fuchs | H. Verbeek | D. Meisel | K. Krieger | M. Maraschek | A. Peeters | E. Speth | F. Wesner | E. Pasch | W. Schneider | U. Wenzel | L. Cupido | M. Manso | M. Hoek | Mertens | A. Silva | O. Kardaun | S. Fiedler | B. Scott | M. Laux | T. Zehetbauer | G. Raupp | W. Treutterer | H. Müller | A. Herrmann | J. Neuhauser | H. Murmann | W. Junker | M. Kaufmann | R. Wunderlich | G. Becker | G. Haas | H. Salzmann | K. Steuer | K. Asmussen | S. Deschka | A. Thoma | M. Bessenrodt-Weberpals | W. Engelhardt | M. Weinlich | K. Büchl | M. Ulrich | H. W. Müller | P. Varela | J. Gernhardt | J. Noterdaeme | F. Serra | A. Stäbler | G. Fussmann | S. Hirsch | B. Napiontek | F. Hoenen | O. Gehre | W. Köppendörfer | W. Sandmann | H. Rohr | J. Feist | T. Kass | J. Gafert | R. Lang | H. Brinkschulte | P. Franzen | H. Fahrbach | W. Herrmann | R. Drube | K. Behringer | S. D. Hempel | D. Schlogl | K. Behler | R. Merkel | G. Neu | R. Riedl | M. Sokoll | N. Tsois | L. Lengyel | J. Roth | F. Hofmeister | G. Schramm | O. Vollmer | W. Feneberg | C. Pitcher | D. Zasche | H. Hohenöcker | H. Kollotzek | H. Schilling | M. Troppmann | H. Zehrfeld | H. J. Deblank | M. Alexander | H. Wedler | G. Herppich | D. Jacobi | K. Reinműller | P. Verplancke | H. Schneider | K. Mast

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