Comparative Study on Visual Differences of Poster Designs Based on Design Psychology

Objective. This paper is to offer relevant theoretical basis and experimental method for future Chinese ink poster designs through the information on differentiation obtained from an in-depth analysis of the concept of design psychology combined with objective examination of the visual perception of Chinese ink poster designs of both professionals and nonprofessionals by means of eye movement experiments. Method. Methods of questionnaire and eye movement experiments were adopted to extract the differentiated information on the visual perceptions of Chinese ink posters of both design professionals and nonprofessionals with the aim of studying and understanding their visual focus and visual perception of poster designs and realizing the “customer-oriented” concept of Chinese ink poster designs. Conclusion. Through data gathering, assessment and analysis, conclusion has been reached that professionals are more concerned about the cultural connotation and aesthetic imagery while nonprofessionals focus more on the information transmission through the hieroglyphs in the posters. The paper argues that Chinese ink poster designs are based on certain psychological theories and tested and evaluated via scientific experiment.