Genome Reconfiguration of Metamorphic Manipulators Based on Lie Group Theory

This paper investigates reconfiguration which was induced by topology change as a typical character of metamorphic mechanisms in a way analogous to the concept of genome varation in biological study. Genome is the full complement of genetic information that an organism inherits from its parents, espercially the set of genes they carry. Genome variation is to study the change and variation of this complement with genetic information and genes connectivity and is analogous to mechanisms reconfiguration of metamorphic mechanisms. Metamorphic mechanisms with reconfigurable topology are usually changing their configurations and varying mobility in accordance with different sub-working phase functions. The built-in spatial biological modules are for the first time compiled and introduced in this paper based on metamorphic building blocks in the form of metamorphic cells and associated inside break-down parts as the metamorphic genes for metamorphic bio-modeling as genome. The gene sequencing labels the genetic structure composition principle of the metamorphic manipulators. The bio-inspired mechanism configuration evolution is further introduced in this paper motivated by biological concept to metamorphic characteristics as different sub-phase working mechanisms gradually change and develop into different forms in a particular situation and over a period of time, as an evolutionary process of topological change that takes place over several motion phases during which a taxonomic group of organisms showing the change of their physical characteristics. Moreover, the proposed genetic structure composition principle in metamorphic manipulators leads to the development of module evolution and genetic operations based on the displacement subgroup algebraic properties of the Lie group theory. The topology transformations can further be simulated for configuration evolution and depicted with the genetic growth and degeneration in the living nature. Genome sequential reconfiguration for metamorphic manipulators promises to be mapped from degenerating the source generator to multiple sub-phase configurations. Evolution design illustrations are given to demonstrate the concept and principles.© 2008 ASME