Evaluating Development Aid: Issues, Problems and Solutions
Foreword - Robert Chambers Introduction PART ONE: A BRIEF HISTORY OF AID EVALUATION A Brief History of Aid Evaluation PART TWO: BASIC ISSUES: PURPOSES, TECHNIQUES AND METHODS A Basic Issue Why Evaluate? For Accountability or for Lesson Learning? A Taxonomy of Aid Evaluation Organization of Evaluation Activity Project Cycle Management A Basis for Effective Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques and Methods of Aid Evaluation The Counterfactual, Effectiveness and Efficiency Techniques and Methods of Aid Evaluation Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis, Unintended Effects and Rating//Scoring Systems PART THREE: MONITORING, LEARNING AND FEEDBACK The Links between Monitoring and Evaluation A Neglected Area The Role of Organizational Dynamics and Organizational Learning in Evaluation Feedback Client Orientation of Evaluation Reports Feedback Mechanisms of Feedback Feedback The Role of Management Information Systems PART FOUR: IMPACT, EMPOWERMENT, STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS AND THE PARTICIPATORY APPROACH Impact Evaluation Evaluating Sustainability Sectors Presenting Special Problems in Evaluation Technical Co-operation, Research and Development, Good Governance and Policy-Level Evaluation Sectors Presenting Special Problems in Evaluation Poverty Alleviation, Non-Government Organizations, Small States and Structural Adjustment International Co-operation in Aid Evaluation Evaluation as Viewed by the Beneficiary Stakeholders Empowerment and the Stakeholder Approach Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Is this the Ultimate Destination? PART FIVE: THE WIDER HORIZON AND THE WAY AHEAD The Wider Horizon and the Way Ahead A Look at Tomorrow's Evaluation World