Innovative Control Effectors (ICE)

Abstract : This report describes a joint U.S. Air Force - U.S. Navy sponsored investigation of innovative aerodynamic control concepts for fighter aircraft without vertical tails. Land-based and carrier-based configurations were analyzed to determine the flying qualities, performance, and aircraft-level integration impacts of the innovative controls. Five control concepts were evaluated for their potential to provide sufficient lateral-directional control power to a highly maneuverable tailless fighter. They were: (1) all-moving wing tip (AMT); (2) spoiler-slot-deflector (SSD); (3) differential leading edge flaps (DLEF); (4) deployable rudder; (5) lower surface spoiler. After a preliminary screening, only the first three were pursued for further investigation. Detailed evaluations of the three selected controllers against baseline tailless fighter configurations employing "conventional" control concepts (e.g., spoilers, clam shells, etc.) included low-speed, high-speed, and high AOA flying qualities performance, structural weight and subsystem integration impacts, signature performance, carrier suitability, and range/transonic acceleration impacts. The AMT was evaluated as the best all-round control effector of those investigated. The SSD and DLEF were ranked 2nd and 3rd, respectively.