Parsing spontaneous speech

In this paper we will present work carried out lately on the 50,000 words Italian Spontaneous Speech Corpus called AVIP, under national project API, made available for free download from the website of the coordinator, the University of Naples. We will concentrate on the tuning of the parser for Italian which had been previously used to parse 100,000 words corpus of written Italian within the National Treebank initiative coordinated by ILC in Pisa. The parser receives as input the adequately transformed orthographic transcription of the dialogues making up the corpus, in which pauses, hesitations and other disfluencies have been turned into most likely corresponding punctiation marks, interjections or truncation of the word underlying the uttered segment. The most interesting phenomenon we will discuss is without any doubts "overlapping", i.e. a speech event in which two people speak at the same time by uttering actual words or in some cases nonwords, when one of the speakers, usually the one which is not the current turntaker, interrupts the current speaker. This phenomenon takes place at a certain point in time where it has to be anchored to the speech signal but in order to be fully parsed and subsequently semantically interpreted, it needs to be referred semantically to a following turn.