Incineration Slag in Road Constructions: Example of an Application

This paper discusses the use of AVI slags (refuse incineration slags) as embankment material for the extension of Dutch state road 15 in the Rotterdam industrial and harbour area. The core of the embankment structure is formed by the AVI slags. This is covered with a waterproof layer of sand bentonite to prevent water from penetrating into the slags. In this way leaching is combatted as much as possible. To protect the sand bentonite layer it is covered with a 1 meter layer of sand. Field and laboratory investigations are carried out to obtain and increase general knowlegde of AVI slags and sand bentonite, and to obtain insight in engineering and environmental consequences as a result of the application of these materials in embankments. Special attention is paid to the percolation of water. Periodic sampling and analyses of water samples are carried out to assess the effect on soil and groundwater. The design of different test sites for the percolation sampling is discussed. Some provisional results are presented. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 860044.