Here, we will start with the discussion about the application of the mechanics to the living systems or materials. Such an approach to mechanical analysis of living systems is different to that one used in engineering because of its functional complexity of the living systems. Living systems are the constructin of many organic systems, that we should study them and also their interactions. Partially is important interaction of the human with its environment. The ralationship between man and environment has ever been a subject of investigation. Scientifitic studies on five senses have been carried out since the time of Aristotle. Man communicates in two different ways. One is effected in contact with the outside world and another with its own body. The first way of communication is through five sences known as hearing, sight, smell, tase and touch; the second way through the proprioceptive system. Fischer and Braun (1889). They involved an approximative method which is known as "coefficient's method". They supposed the existance of fixed relations between length of body segment and its mass. From this relations they were able to determine center of gravity, radius of inertia and, of course moment of inertia. Accuracy of this method was doubtfull because those coefficients were determined only on three male cadavers. Much more accurate results in stipulating of the human body mass distribution and respective segmental centres of gravity were determined by Dempster (1961). Division of the body segments is shown in the figure. Also is shown the way of the use of the specially constructed tub; by mean of plunging of body segments into the tubs water that was squeezed out was the measure of the segment volume. This has determined a kind of an auxiliary skeleton presented in Fig. 1.