Abstract : The report is concerned with the application of adaptive training techniques to Synthetic Flight Training Systems (SFTS) in general, and to the 2B24 SFTS in particular. The report is divided into four major sections. The first section discusses the basic elements for any adaptive training system, which are: valid and reliable performance measures; one or more system, task, or environment variables that directly affect task difficulty; and, an adaptive logic which automatically adjusts task difficulty on the basis of the relation of measured performance to a preset criterion of performance. The second section of the report is addressed to the major problem areas associated with application of adaptive principles to the SFTS: selection of valid and reliable performance measures and the combining of performance measurements in several degrees of freedom to provide for a single continuum of adaptation. Specific suggestions for the application of adaptive techniques to the 2B24 SFTS are detailed in the third section of the report. The fourth and final section is concerned with an experimental program for the determination of the 2B24 SFTS adaptive training parameters. (Author)