Enhancing Information Access And Use For The DyslexicsAdopting New Strategies For Public Libraries In Nigeria
It is estimated that dyslexia affects 8 -10% of the world's
population and between 5 to 10% of a given popufat1on .. The
purpose of this paper ts to create awareness among librarians
about dyslexia an(} to introduce some of the issues that dyslexic
people ftice ·;n connection with using the public library. The
paper identifies likely factors. that can discourage dyslexic people
from visiting and using libraries including· difficulty w1th reading
quietly in a library and problems with locating books and other
resOU(Ces. The paper recommends some low cost measures for
; enhancing access and use of information by the Dyslexics and l suggests that librarians should go the extra ml!e by providing
f access to information and resources in a yanety of media, along
with providing pictograms, talking books, bold use of siqnage and
selective dissemination of information. These will help in
achieving one of the goals of the public library which is to provide
equal access to all library users mcluding people with dyslexia
·their attendant problems notwithstanding.·