한국형발사체 3단 엔진 고공 시험용 초음속 디퓨저 축소형 모델 시험

Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) has plan for constructing rocket engine test facility for the development of the 3rd stage liquid rocket engine for KSLV-II. This paper describes the firing test results of sub-scale supersonic diffuser, using 1.4 tonf-level sub-scale combustion chamber of 3rd stage engine, for the design evaluation of supersonic diffuser of altitude simulation system for 3rd stage engine test facility. This study showed that nozzle back pressure was maintained low enough to prevent flow separation in the expansion nozzle ratio of 94.5 and key design requirement of supersonic diffuser was met. This results will be used for the development of altitude simulation system of KSLV-II 3rd stage engine test facility.