The New Policy for Radioactive Waste Management and Site Selection for the National Repository in Italy-11053
In Italy a legal framework allowing the restart of nuclear energy has been set up during 2009 and 2010. The legislation includes the policy and procedures for the site selection for NPPs and for a near-surface repository for LLW. This site will also host a centralized facility for long term storage of conditioned HLW, LILW-LL and un-reprocessed SF. The integrated system will be the National Repository. Along with the National Repository, other high tech R&D installations are planned at the same site (the Technological Park). The procedure for siting the national repository is initially based on voluntarism and partnership with the local administrations. Steps of the procedure include development of the conceptual design of the LLW repository and Long Term Storage Systems and a screening of the national territory for identification of potentially suitable areas, based on exclusion criteria. Regions and local Administrations with suitable areas will be invited to a public discussion (the National Seminar) along with all involved stakeholders. A negotiation is undertaken with the Administrations having shown interest to the localization of the Repository.