This report contains the results of a study conducted to develop improved rigid pavement joint systems. The study included a review of literature, development of a finite element analysis computer program, laboratory testing, and evaluation of methods to improve rigid pavement joints. The computer program, program jslab, can analyze a large number of jointed concrete pavement slabs. The program can analyze a one or two layer pavement system resting on a winkler (liquid) foundation. Joints may be modeled as doweled, aggregate interlock, or keyed. Program jslab was used to evaluate the potential benefit of various improvements in pavement design to improve joint performance. These improvements include use of fewer non uniformly spaced dowel bars, tied concrete shoulders, and widened lanes. No new load transfer devices (ltd) were developed as part of this study. After a review of various patented devices and a study of various ltd shapes and configurations, it was concluded that the solid dowel bars are the most cost effective mechanical load transfer devices.