Radiological anatomy of the intratemporal course of facial nerve

Preoperative evaluation of the facial nerve (FN) anatomy within the temporal bone by high‐resolution computed tomography (HRCT) helps in minimizing surgical trauma to the nerve. In order to demonstrate the radiological correlation of the intratemporal FN, eight adult, formalin‐preserved cadavers were studied by comparing the transaxial and coronal sections of HRCT with anatomic microdissection findings. It was possible to visualize all segments of the FN canal in its intratemporal course. The most difficult part of the FN to demonstrate was the pyramidal section. Anatomic microdissection findings were consistent with the HRCT images. It was concluded that adequate information on the FN anatomy could be obtained from standard HRCT scans. Clin. Anat. 13:83–87, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.