In some economic situations, the economic process is in discrete time rather than in continuous time. The discrete-time counterpart of differential games are known as dynamic games. Bylka et al (Ann. Oper. Res. 97:69–89, 2000) analyzed oligopolistic price competition in a dynamic game model. Wie and Choi (KSCE J. Civ. Eng. 4(4):239–248, 2000) examined discrete-time traffic network. Beard and McDonald (Ann. Int. Soc. Dyn. Games 9:393–410, 2007) investigated water sharing agreements and Amir and Nannerup (J. Bioecon. 8:147–165, 2006) considered resource extraction problems in a discrete-time dynamic framework. Yeung (Ann. Oper. Res. doi: 10.1007/s10479-011-0844-0, 2011) examined dynamically consistent collaborative environmental management with technology selection in a discrete-time dynamic game framework. The properties of Nash equilibria in dynamic games are examined in Basar (J. Optim. Theory Appl. 14:425–430, 1974; Int. J. Game Theory 5:65–90, 1976). The solution algorithm for solving dynamic games can be found in Basar (IEEE Trans. Autom. Control AC-22:124–126, 1977; In: Differential Games and Control Theory II, pp. 201–228, 1977). Petrosyan and Zenkevich (Game theory. World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) presented an analysis on cooperative dynamic games in a discrete time framework. The SIAM Classics on Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory by Basar and Olsder (Dynamic noncooperative game theory, 2nd edn. Academic Press, London, 1995) gave a comprehensive treatment of discrete-time noncooperative dynamic games.
Tamer Basar.
Two general properties of the saddle-point solutions of dynamic games
Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz,et al.
Discrete time dynamic game model for price competition in an oligopoly
Ann. Oper. Res..
T. Başar.
A counterexample in linear-quadratic games: Existence of nonlinear nash solutions
B. Wie,et al.
The computation of dynamic cournot-nash traffic network equilibria in discrete time
Stuart McDonald,et al.
Time-Consistent Fair Water Sharing Agreements
T. Başar,et al.
Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory
David W. K. Yeung,et al.
Cooperative Stochastic Differential Games
T. Başar.
On the uniqueness of the Nash solution in Linear-Quadratic differential Games
David W. K. Yeung.
Dynamically consistent collaborative environmental management with production technique choices
Ann. Oper. Res..
Rabah Amir,et al.
Information Structure and the Tragedy of the Commons in Resource Extraction