The Development of an e-Portfolio for Competency based Training Assessment for a Malaysian Skills Diploma Program

This paper presents a comprehensive Electronic Portfolio (e-Portfolio) Framework developed for Competency Based Training (CBT) assessment in a Malaysian Skills Diploma Program which is certified by the Ministry of Human Resources in Malaysia. The proposed framework is adapted from an existing assessment system, which was outlined by the Ministry of Human Resources with the addition of other features from current E-Portfolio technologies. The aim of this study is to present a new comprehensive framework that contains a combination of e-portfolio applications that align with the current methodology of CBT assessment as a blended approach to formative assessment. Senior officers at the Ministry of Human Resources, Principals and Instructors of Training Institutes have been questioned via the medium of email based interviews to establish their views on the need for this kind of e-Portfolio as well as the possible constraints that would be faced. All interviewees agreed that the e-Portfolio is well suited for implementation as an evaluation method to improve the IT skills of the students. However, they also highlighted constraints that should also be considered before implementation to ensure this system will be effectively installed and completely functional.